1. Any resident is entitled to the use of the recreational facilities when payment of the monthly assessment is up to date. These facilities include, but are not limited to: the game room, shuffleboard courts, swimming pool, library, exercise room, picnic area, and grounds. Green fees must be paid when using the golf course unless the Resident is a member in good standing of the River Isles Golf Association (RIGA). Use of all facilities is subject to the posted rules and/or restrictions.
2. A resident house guest may also use the facilities under the following conditions:
a. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
b. Guests, if not accompanied by resident, must carry the resident’s membership card.
c. Pool entry requires a key. Pool gates must remain locked at all times.
d. All posted rules must be observed.
e. No lifeguard on duty.
3. Pool parties are not allowed. Residents should limit the number of house guests using the pool so that other residents have an opportunity to use the pool.
4. Members should question any unknown person using the facilities in order to prevent abuse of the property. ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE DONE TACTFULLY SO NO EMBARRASSMENT IS CAUSED TO ANY OTHER RESIDENT OR SANCTIONED GUEST.
5. Should any resident member wish to have an exception to any of the above regulations, a written request for Board consideration should be made to the President of the River Isles Homeowners Association.
Revised: 01-2014