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Attention Homeowners & Realtors
Posted on Feb 5th, 2014 Comments (0)
River Isles is a deed-restricted community. As homeowners, it is your responsibility to notify your realtors (should you list your home for sale) or any potential buyer (should you be selling the home on your own) about the governing documents for our community (Covenants and Bylaws). Your copies should be passed along to the buyer.
Realtors, please note we have a new application process in place. Perspective buyers must attend an informational meeting to learn about the governing documents and acknowledge they have done so.
Please call the River Isles Homeowners Association office for further information (941-747-0157).
Thank you for your cooperation.
River Isles Covenants
Posted on Feb 5th, 2014 Comments (0)
For your convenience, the governing documents of the River Isles community are now available on the navigation bar. Just click on "Governing Documents" and in addition to Pool Regulations and Social Regulations you will find three (3) pdf links for the Articles of Incorporation, the Covenants in their entirety, and the River Isles Homeowners Association Bylaws.